
Veriato makes it simple for teams to monitor their employees without hassle or extra effort. Veriato’s user interface is designed to guide you through everything quickly, such as logging activities or generating performance reports. In short, Veriato is an ideal solution for businesses that want an advanced employee monitoring tool.

Pros and Cons

  • Simple and efficient interface.
  • Easy navigation and setup.
  • Comprehensive activity logging.
  • Quick access to productivity reports.
  • Limited advanced features compared to competitors.


Veriato’s simplicity speaks well about how handy it can be if you need straightforward employee surveillance software. While it fails on certain sophisticated aspects, this practical design partnered with detailed logs earns it much merit among businesses looking forward to having such tools in place at affordable costs, given their importance.


Spot Productivity Issues

Spot Productivity Issues
“Veriato’s UAM has helped us find ways to work better across our teams by spotting where we can improve. It helped us spot productivity issues smoothly by measuring productive or idle time on the device and generated a productivity score for each employee.”

Rachel Parker
July 11, 2024

Mitigating Risks with Veriato’s UAM

Mitigating Risks with Veriato’s UAM
“Veriato’s UAM has been essential in catching things like fraud and bad behavior within our company. It shows us where we might be breaking the rules so we can fix it and stay safe.”

Brian Wilson
July 10, 2024

Enhanced Security

Enhanced Security
“Veriato’s user activity monitoring gave us a clear view of what our employees are doing, helped us track their productivity, and ensured they follow the rules. It’s helped us catch any bad actions quickly.”

Mark Thompson
April 15, 2024